
Why we do Paint 'n ' Party

b_150_100_16777215_00_images_Mya_Logo_blk_trans.gif exist for the sole purpose of promoting undiscovered artist in Trinidad and Tobago.  Trinidad and Tobago has been blessed with an abundance of resources, not only mineral but also human.  In particular we are blessed with artists that produce amazing work on a consistent basis, but due to "logistics" a vast majority of their works never get seen by the art loving public.  Many of them actually have the talent to make a living by producing art but because of a lack of exposure and recognition few are able to do so.  As a result we loose many of our creative talents to the daily 9-5 grind and as such loose a part of our collective soul.


As an unknown artist in our beautiful country there are few galleries that could show your work.  As such the competition to get your work into these spaces is fierce many times comes down to a game of who you know and who wants to know you. This makes it extremely difficult to get your work shown in these more established galleries.  It is simply not enough spaces to show the volume of art that is produced on a daily basis in this country.

b_150_100_16777215_00_images_paintnparty.jpgMYA attempts to bridge that gap by bringing the art to you.  We do this by utilizing a number of "vehicles" of which is this website is one.  There is also MYA on the Move (MOM). Our Art road show where we go into various areas and host small art shows where we seek to showcase the artists that are part of MYA and also hopefully to find new artists to give exposure.  MYA in Schools (MIS), where we go into schools to spread the joys of art and encourage the young artist at an early age.  Then there is Paint 'n' Party, our social painting event. Paint 'n' Party seek to accomplish three things at each event:

  1. To bring to everyone the joys of painting and art. We firmly believe that "Everyone can Paint" and we will show you how.
  2. To promote the artists that fall under the MYA umbrella. At every event there would be on display original works of art produced by our members.
  3. To raise funds that would support our efforts in MOM and MIS.

We enjoy art in all it's form and each disciple has it's own unique learning curve.  Art is a very personal endevour and speaks to everyone differently.  However we believe that that learning curve and the ability to tap into that expressive soul that lies within should not prevent anyone from enjoying and experiencing the joy that art and in particular painting bring. Paint 'n' Party is our way of helping you experience that joy of art.  Who knows it may even unlock the artistic side of you that has been lying dormant for so many years. Or may not.  That's fine, the point is not the outcome, it's the journey.  It's not the expectations but the experience.

So come, bring a few friends, make some new ones, bring your beverage of choice and most importantly bring an open spirit and we will do the rest.  You would leave after having a good time, at least with a piece of art that your created, ready to hang and showcase.  We cant' wait to see you at our next Paint 'n' Party

Copyright Mya 2014